Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Psychology of VIGYAN BHAIRAV TANTRA भैरव/शैव तंत्र का मनोविज्ञान PART VI...

Types of  VAYU and their  uses  वायु और उनके उपयोग

ADESH ADESH There are five types of vayu Prana vayu (inward moving breath), Apana vayu (downward moving breath), Samana vayu (equalising breath) Udana vayu (ascending breath), Vyanu vayu (diffusive breath) #indiaagainstmutilatedyoga #yogaforneurosciences #spiritualtraverllers PRANA vayu is responsible for the INTAKE. It moves downward and inward, providing the basic energy that drives us in life. It is primarily located in the head, lungs and heart. Imbalances in Prana flow can show up as anxiety, fear, anger (head); breathlessness, asthma, sleep apnea (lungs); heart palpitations or stroke (heart). APANA vayu is responsible for elimination. It moves down and out and also helps retain things in. It is primarily located in the lower abdomen and is associated with functions of elimination, reproduction and bone health (regulating the absorption and retaining of minerals). Imbalances in #Apana flow can show up as constipation/diarrhea, IBS; menstrual problems, #sexual issues; bone density issues. UDANA vayu is responsible for growth. It moves upward and is a result of other vayus working properly. It governs our ability to stand, our speech, effort, enthusiasm and will. It is concentrated near the diaphragm and throat and is responsible for certain respiratory functions, speech and mental functioning (by supporting the blood movement to the brain). Imbalances in #Udana vayu functioning include asthma, emphysema; stuttering, voice hoarseness; depression, poor memory, lack of creativity, direction or goals. Vyana and Samana vayus are opposite as forces of expansion and contraction. Vyana allows for differentiation of elements and grants each their separate sphere of activity. #Samana brings about the integration of the elements and keeps them connected. Samana regulates agni (digestive fire) with fuel, which must burn evenly. #Vyana governs the movement of #prana through the nadis, keeping them open, clear, clean and even in their functioning. #tantraisnotsex #energy #peace #solitude #karma #shimla #hiking #sadhna #shiva #GORAKH #nath #spiritualism #kundalini #spiritualtraverllers ADESH ADESH !!!!







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