Thursday, April 30, 2020

परोपकार..or CHARITY

परोपकाराय फलन्ति वृक्षाः परोपकाराय वहन्ति नद्यः । परोपकाराय दुहन्ति गावः परोपकारार्थ मिदं शरीरम् ॥
परोपकार के लिए वृक्ष फल देते हैं, नदीयाँ परोपकार के लिए ही बहती हैं और गाय परोपकार के लिए दूध देती हैं अर्थात् यह शरीर भी परोपकार के लिए ही है ।
Trees give fruits for philanthropy, rivers flow only for philanthropy, and cows give milk for charity, that is, this body is also for charity...CHARITY IS NOT JUST GIVING MONEY or JUST TO SAVE TAXES,, BUT TO HELP OTHERS ALSO..SELFLESSLY !!!
The knowledge that you’re helping others is hugely empowering and, in turn, can make feel happier and fulfilled. Research has identified a link between making a donation to charity and increased activity in the area of the brain that registers pleasure - proving that as the old adage goes, it really is far better to give than to receive.
Sharing the experience of donating to charity with your children shows them from a young age that they can make positive changes in the world. Children naturally love to help others,..
#indiaagainstmutilatedyoga #yogaforneurosciences #spiritualtraverllers
The Bhagavata Purana discusses when dāna or Charity is proper and when it is improper. In Book 8, Chapter 19, verse 36 it states that charity is inappropriate if it endangers and cripples modest livelihood of one's biological dependents or of one’s own. Charity from surplus income above that required for modest living is recommended in the Puranas,,Dāna is related to and mentioned in ancient texts with concepts of Paropakāra (परोपकार) which means benevolent deed, helping others, Dakshina (दक्षिणा) which means gift or fee one can afford;and Bhiksha (भिक्षा), which means alms...though closely related but must not be confused..
#yog #yognidra #shwasnidra #Himalayas #yogini #nath #shakti #energy #peace #solitude #karma #shimla Adesh Adesh !!!

SHIVA and ATMA TATAV शिव और आत्म तत्व

शिव-शक्ति को शब्दों में सीमित नहीं किया जा सकता है शिव के पाँच मुख हैं..द्वैतवादी और गैर-द्वैतवादी दृष्टिकोण हमेशा मौजूद रहते हैं। #शिव के मुख से पाँच धाराओं में अवतरित होते हैं, जिन्हें शिव के नाम से ईशान, तत्पुरुष, सद्योजात, वम देव, और अघोर (AGHORA) जो इन दिनों आकर्षण का केंद्र है.. अघोर गहरी तपस्या है और वास्तव में ‘असत्य और कपालपूजा’ से भ्रमित न होना ।।
Shiva Shakti cannot be explained in words .. scripts like TANTRASARA explains as Agma are the five faces of shiva .. dualistic and non-dualistic approaches are well present. #Agama descend on the earth in five element current from the faces of #Shiva also known as . Ishan, tatpurush, sadyojat, vam dev and very lucrative these days #AGHORA..
#indiaagainstmutilatedyoga #yogaforneurosciences #spiritualtraverllers
The highest principle of the light is #shiva.. beyond this the light itself cannot be known Light in the form of Pure consciousness.. It is present everywhere and is possessed by the the absolute freedom of wisdom and activity.. the light of pure wisdom is pure and is independent..thus Shiva though associated with the principles of the shakti remains free from any limitations. Atma is somewhat like light and is free from any type of thought construction. It may become absolute and absolute shiva. Once we try to do that ..with the grace of guru which is also a grace of #shiva. The human body starts realizing the truth slowly but gradually. The perception is direct and immediate but the development needs efforts so the atma becomes more energized and attains the light of limitless..and shiv swaroopa.. highest of the human #tapa would be to reach the level of #Parashiva but till the body and mind is bound to #vikalpa we cannot think of that success. Listening to the grace of #Agama first one needs to listen the grace of staguru..for intiation..
#yog #yognidra #shwasnidra #Himalayas #yogini #nath #shakti #energy #peace #solitude #karma #shimla