Tuesday, May 3, 2016


we are sharing some knowledge on bandha ( locks) in yogic and spiritual path. its well versed fact that the mudras and asanas are the base of yoga and in addition to that proper bandhs and their combination withe suitable mudra gives better results in meditation and sidhi-sashna. we have discussed the different mudrasin our artcle. There are many types of bandhas but mainly Mula Bandha,( contraction of the perineum),Uddiyana bandha, (contraction of the abdomen into the rib cage)Jalandhara Bandha, ( the chin close to the chest).combination of all three is called MAHA BANDH, these are used to give direction and right channeling of KUNDALINI , energy or shakti, thus has great contribution when one aspires for such sidhis.,
as ur spiritual text say :
     mudrasamam kinchit
    Siddhidam kshitimandale
“There is nothing in this world like Mudras for giving success.”

WE are giving information regarding MUL BANDH .

Mūla Bandha should be attempted first in antara kumbhaka (retention after inhalation). and it related with MULA chakra,
first , Press the Yoni with the left heel. Keep the right heel pressed at the space just above the organ of generation. Contract the anus and draw the Apana Vayu upwards. This is called Mula Bandha. The Apana Vayu which does the function of ejection of excreta has natural tendency to move downwards. Through the practice of Mula Bandha, the Apana Vayu is made to move upwards by contracting the anus and by forcibly drawing it upwards. The Prana Vayu is united with the Apana and the united Prana-Apana Vayu is made to enter the Sushumna Nadi. Then the Yogi attains perfection in Yoga. Kundalini activation starts, with practise the perfection can be achived and the duration of the process gradually increased. it is highly advised to do this under experts supervision. Yogi when intintd properly also reciev the grace of GURU MANTRA ,ASANA MANTRA and certain mantras by GURU MUKH (only from the mouth of satguru) not available in text as such, these mantra are also repeated in soul. the enrgy level increases,,   When the Apana is united with Prana, Anahata sounds (mystical inner sounds) are heard very distinctly. Prana, Apana, Nada and Bindu unite and the Yogi reaches perfection in Yoga. The proces is gradual and need faith and patience

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