Thursday, September 6, 2018


Adesh adesh
 When Guru Nanak was asked about his own caste, he replied, “I belong to the lowest among the low castes.” Kabeer Ji challenged the Brahmans and inquired if they were not born in the same way as men of the so-called low castes.
Recognize the Lord's Light (Spirit) within all, and do not consider social class or status; there are no classes or castes in the world hereafter (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, 349).
Guru did not give any importance to caste. He considered the qualities as supreme and described the attributes of a Brahmin. If someone acquires those qualities only he can be considered a ‘real’ Pandit. And entrapped in the doubts of caste, Janeau and Tilak are not Pundits..... The Gurus threw away the concept that Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisha were any way superior to each other or to Sudras. The emphasis is on pure conduct and shunning of ego.There are many instances and teachings by our social reformers and gurus especially where the BHRAMANISM HAS BEEN condemned. The politicians and pundits have played mischievous role and spoiled rich Indian culture of LOVE AND PEACE. ...i think INDIAN GODS AND GODESSES ARE NOT SO NARROW MINDED AS THEY ONLY NEED PANDITS AS PRIESTS...
#yog #yognidra #shwasnidra #Himalayas #yogini#nath #body #shakti #energy #peace #snow #shimla#hiking #sadhna #shiva #GORAKH #nath#spiritulaism #kundalini #indiaagainstmutilatedyoga#yogaforneurosciences#spiritualtraverlers #sages#socialevils casteism

Adesh adesh !!!!!

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