Monday, January 25, 2021

Psychology of VIGYAN BHAIRAV TANTRA भैरव/शैव तंत्र का मनोविज्ञान PART XI...


Chittakasha (चित्ताकाश) or SPACE of CONSCIOUSNESS


Chittakasha or Chidakasha is a Sanskrit term that means ' space of consciousness' or ' inner space'. The term comes from the Sanskrit roots , ' chit' meaning ' consciousness' and ' akasha' meaning ' ether', 'field' or ' space'. Chidakasha meditation or ' dharna' , is concentration on this inner space of consciousness'.It is also associated wit the ' agna chakrs', the ' guru chakra', positioned in the stomata behind the centre head of forehead. Yogavasishta speaks about the ' bhutakasha' ( dealing with gross matter), ' chitakasha' ( dealing with mental concepts) and ' chidakasha' ( dealing with atman).

#indiaagainstmutilatedyoga #yogaforneurosciences #spiritualtraverllers

In his Vivekachudamani, Shankara reminds that the first means to yoga is control of speech, then cessation of sense organ activity, control of mind and control of intellect. He states:-

समाहितायां सति चित्तवृत्तौ परात्मनि ब्रह्मणि निर्विकल्पे |

दृश्यते कश्चिदयं विकल्पः प्रजल्पमात्रः परिशिष्यते ततः ||

"If the mental functions are established in the true, unchanging, Higher Self, Brahman, this awareness of the phenomenal world is not experienced. What remains thereafter is merely a matter of meaningless word. "

Chittakasha is the field of the mind which invokes a deeper enquiry because there is in still the duality of the 'seer' and the ' seen'. This duality ceases to exist in 'Chidakasha' which is the field of Pure Consciousness. Chidakasha also means the ' ether of consciousness' and the space behind the forehead which is the seat of visualisation that links man with the conscious, subconscious, super conscious and also the object of meditation or ' ishta deva' or any spiritual energy

Everything that we see, or imagine, or #dream, we have to perceive in space. This is the ordinary space, or elemental space. When a Yogi reads the thoughts of other men, or perceives #supersensuous objects he sees them in another sort of space called t mental space. When perception has become objectless, and the #soul shines in its own nature, it is called the Chidâkâsha, or knowledge space. When the #Kundalini is aroused, and enters the canal of the Sushumna, all the perceptions are in the mental space...

The energy or kundalini energy feature is called consciousness and can be called as conscious energy, so consciousness actually plays in life, and conjure special meanings and conditions for this most prosaic bodily function. Though there are many scientific expalaination on the consciousness and the energy.. but the trained YOGI or sadhka experience the same what we call the highest form of #energy interwoven with psychic & physical energies, and no doubts the YOGIC energy must be blend to these..

yog #yognidra #shwasnidra #Himalayas #yogini #nath #shakti #energy #peace #solitude #karma #shimla ADESH ADESH

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